Sunday, November 22, 2009

100 thing challenge

We are going to participate in the 100 thing challenge and see how it will help us get rid of things we don't really need.
I thought it meant throw/give away 100 things but really it is getting rid of all BUT 100 things-personal items only, shared items like linens, dishes, furniture etc do not count.
We will update the list as we start it. Pin It

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a ...

Chloe will be here in late April 2010
Lily is excited about sharing a room with her little sister and she will be the best big sister ever.

Here is our side view of Chloe. I had to flip the picture because she was head down.

Here is Lily test driving the double stroller.
She can ride in the front or the back if she wants.
And here am I so far.
I look much bigger after
eating anything :)
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

What a great Fall!

We had a great time at Susie and Dwight's church pumpkin patch taking pictures with Lily. A cold front had just blown in so it actually felt like autumn. She got all dressed up as a butterfly for Halloween and we celebrated a fall fun fest at church, complete with a "Krunk your Trunk" trick or treating. We even decorated our trunk. Our bible study came together to set up a balloon bust booth. The kids had a great time tossing the darts at the tiny balloons. Some of those kids are a pretty good aim!
Lily was so sugared out at the end I can't believe she went to sleep at all.
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