Thursday, September 17, 2009


Lily has finally learned to jump and get both feet off the ground. She used to just hop her body and one leg would come up but everything else stayed put. We were watching Cars (for the hundredth time) and when Mater jumps at the tractors and honks she started jumping with him. We got so excited we told her to do it again, it was so neat to see her jump like a big girl. It is amazing that she is going to be two in just two and a half weeks. Pin It

Friday, September 4, 2009

The season is upon us

It is official, fall is on the way! As the drought is ravaging our water supply and the 62+ days of 100 weather I am welcoming the cooler weather. The elms are tinged yellow already, whether from the cooler air, or the lack of water I'm not sure. I do hope the rain comes on in the next few weeks to cool us off further. Bring on the weather, the cold fronts and the sweaters! Pin It

Here we go again

Well, it is time to come clean I am not getting fat, I am growing a baby! We are expecting a baby brother or sister for Lily in late April. We will now have two spring birthdays and two fall birthdays. This did not catch us off guard because we were wanting another addition to our family. If God blesses us with a boy, we will be done with the baby making and our family will be complete (minus a few dogs and cats over the years). Pin It