Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fantasy Baseball?-NO! Firecracker Baseball!

We had a wonderful 4th of July with Susie and Josh and Kristin. We had great burgers (Josh is really getting this cooking thing down to an art), oven fries and grilled sweet potato rounds. MMGood!

Lily was not to interested in the fireworks. She instead wanted to watch- you guessed it- Nemo. Over and over and over again. She did venture into the bedroom to watch Daddy and Uncle Josh dance around the flasher signals

We got her to hold a sparkler ~finally~ only to realize it was the very last one and we had no camera. She watched a few fountains and the rest of the flashers while we called to her from the other side of the glass.

Daddy and Uncle Josh then decided to start throwing firecrackers at each other to see if they could swing at them in the complete darkness and get a hit. They actually hit a few, you could hear the tink and then the crack as they exploded. Most of them sailed through the air and landed with a blast at their feet, or sometimes close to their head.

The last game was a bright (but not so smart) idea- Roman Candle baseball, with Josh as the "pitcher" and Corey at bat. This I wish I had gotten on video. These were the fastest flying Roman Candles I had ever seen. I was able to get one picture of Corey ducking, still clutching the bat, trying to get out of the way.

He ended up with singed hair and a small burn in his shorts and lots of laughter

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Prayers needed

My 2nd cousin Seth and his wife Jace (JC) were in a bad accident on Wednesday on their way to New Mexico for vacation. Jace broke her back and leg and Seth broke both legs and punctured his spleen. He was in ICU last night for internal bleeding. Jace has been transferred to Austin, but Seth is still trying to get stable, then they will move him to Houston. There was another man involved in the wreck who is doing ok, with some compound fractures of his ankles.
Thank the Lord that everyone was wearing their seatbelts.
A truck pulled out in front of the other driver, who in swerving, hit Seth and Jace head on.
The driver that caused all this left the scene, but was found yesteday.
Please keep them in your prayers as they heal. Their kids are with family. Pin It